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Kindly reads

Kindly read!!!
What is the Long-Term Role of a Member of the Mass Adoption Team?
An Abundance-Based Economy will work much different than the economics based on scarcity.  Let’s examine the role of the Members on the Mass Adoption Team.  They will have hundreds to thousands of TBC coins that will never depreciate.  Ultimately, 1 TBC coin will hold its value at 1Billion (gr).  Today 1 (gr) is worth $3.28 USD.  So 1 TBC will be worth $3,280,000,000.00.  Imagine having 100 TBC coins, that would be worth $328,000,000,000.00.  328 Billion Dollars!  What is 1 person going to do with all of that money?
They will be trading TBC for Equity with the TBC Millionaires.  The TBC Millionaires will NOT even have 1 whole TBC coin.  In order for them to afford to run larger and larger businesses, they will need access to more TBC than they have.  These Millionaires will be going to the Billionaires willing to trade some of the equity in their Businesses to get more TBC.  Most importantly, so they can hire more people and provide more good paying jobs.  As a Mass Adoption Team member you could have a stake, a piece of equity, in thousands of businesses of your choosing.  Each one of these equity positions is a financial instrument unto itself.  Someday you might buy a boat with the paper holding one of those equity stakes, for example.  Each one of you will have your own Empire!
It doesn’t make sense to use debt or to charge interest.  That’s what our current scarcity-based economy does, and look at the mess it has caused.  The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.  In some religions and cultures they forbid usury or the charging of interest, and for good reason, it always ends up in disaster.  Also, in an Abundance-Based economy, we will be less concerned with the idea of PROFIT!  Look at third world countries how they pay the people working common jobs.  $10 a day is considered a good paying job.  But is it, really???  These people want to buy things too, but they barely make enough to cover basic survival.  Perhaps someone is earning $10 a day right now as a Dishwasher, in a restaurant.  Hey, don’t knock it.  My first job was Dishwasher, you have to start somewhere.  But if the owner of the restaurant was living abundantly, and NOT concerned about PROFIT, he could pay that Dishwasher $50 a day, instead, RIGHT?  What if the owner stopped looking at employees as people to exploit for the purpose of making PROFITS, and instead saw them as people to take in under his wing to help them bloom into the kind of people they want to become.  What if LOVE was the motivation, and NOT the Ice-Cold-Greed of PROFITS.  Imagine a whole world like that.  I have!  So, I created TBC.
The Mass Adoption Team will be running the TBC Economy, NOT just Me, the Admin Wallet will be empty.  They will run it by making deals, and trading their TBC for Equity, NOT debt or interest.  It will be POWERFUL!  The world will revere these people as benevolent humanitarians.  YOU are one of them NOW!  Embrace this role!


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